Parallel Universes

The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects

Right up there with my theories about Time are my theories about inanimate objects.  I first noticed this phenomena with my shoes.  I would leave them in one place and then hours or days later go to look for them and find them in another place.  Okay at first I thought I must have kicked them but sometimes they were lined up but in different place then where I left them.  Other times it looked like some giant had been walking in them because they were left in mid-stride on the floor but the distance between each shoe was huge!

Then I started noticing the same phenomena with my salt shakers.  I like animal salt shakers.  I am telling you I did not pose the pigs.  I walked into the kitchen and here they were.


“Pleading Pigs” copyright by J. Leone.  But what are they pleading for?  More salt and pepper?      Or to be noticed?

I leave them on the table,  I come the next morning and they are doing any manner of things.  Look at the cows!


“Curious Cows” copyright by J. Leone.  Why are they sniffing the napkin?  Okay I ate beef!

I am sure this is some parallel universe where they actually have a valid life and we just randomly intersect with it.  Or they are in the same universe as us, but sometimes they can’t remember were they should be after moving around or, they can’t get back to their original place in time and, we catch them out.

I have been taking photos of my shoes and my salt shakers for years because sometimes they are just too hilarious.  I am planning on making a piece of art of  these photos called “The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects.”

Meeting up copyright by J. Leone How they all got on the same table I don't have a clue but here I found them one afternoon.

“Meeting up” copyright by J. Leone.
How they all got on the same table I don’t have a clue but here I found them one afternoon.

They just make me laugh.  I don’t know how they get into these positions but I feel I should document them.

Have any of you out there in blog-land notice a similar phenomena?  Come on fess up.  I did start asking people about their shoes,  years ago and almost everyone agreed that they did think their shoes had some kind of secret life because they too found them in places they hadn’t left them and in odd positions, as if someone else had been walking in them.    ” Why didn’t you ever say anything about it?”, I say to one of my zaniest friends  “Don’t be stupid people will think I am crazy”, she said.  Exactly.  “Don’t be ridiculous”, her husband shouts out from the other room, “everybody knows shoes move around.”

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
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