You know the old saying:  “We make plans and the Gods laugh.”  I had the blog ready for Sunday’s  post but I held it up because I was awaiting news of a show and I thought I would put that in this month.  However, on Monday I found out no decision has been made as of yet.  Then I discovered that one of my close friends that I went  K thru 12th grade with died and I was very upset by it and it just seemed inappropriate to post then.  God bless you Bobby and rest in peace my friend.

Blue Ridge, GA 

The coffee shop on Main Street, Blue Ridge, GA Copyright 2016 J. Leone

The coffee shop on Main Street, Blue Ridge, GA
Copyright 2016 J. Leone

Blue Ridge, Ga is in northern Georgia on the back side of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  It is an old town and it is quite isolated but surprisingly not in population because the Blue Ridge Skyline train is here.  The interesting thing about this town is that it builds itself as one of America’s Top Art Communities and, it is!

The Blue Ridge Arts Center, a federalist style building that was the old Fannin County Courthouse, is now home to the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association.  The building is three floors.  The first floor is all gallery space and shows the work of this diverse and large art collective.  It is stunning work.  Work in all manner of art.  There was a piece of sculpture that I lusted for.  An amazing piece by artist Tom Chambers.

I had a friend with me and she was surprised by artistry of the work so far from anywhere. I told her that some of the most interesting art you see, is not in big “Art Cities” but is in communities like Blue Ridge, that are isolated but have a larger population that one would expect.  A lot of artists gravitate to these places for cheap space and the quiet.  They develop their own community and up here this community spans over three towns, all of which have a history of art communities and the University of Gainesville is near.  I urge you to look for places like this in the states you live in.  They offer surprises and treasures that you can’t imagine.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
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1 Response to LATE! LATE! LATE! I HATE LATE!

  1. karinpine says:


    Time for coffee shmooze this am? I have just a few minutes but have been feeling the need to connect with you…

    Oh… and it’s a RARE day when I can get one up on YOU!! To whit:

    “The interesting thing about this town is that it builds itself as one of America’s Top Art Communities and, it is!”

    BILLS….. it BILLS itself as one of ….. !!

    (That waskally spell-checker, no doubt! slipped one in on ya!)

    Love, Karin PS.. And HAS been (an art center) for many years, by the way! Used to be a festival up in Blue Ridge area called “Plumb Nelly Art Festival” It was “plumb outta Georgia, Nelly in Tennessee”… I think that may perhaps have been the start of art-centricity in Blue Ridge. (I have a LOT of N. Georgia stories, by the way, as we frequently vacationed there throughout my childhood).

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