Roswell Clay Collective

J. Leone website:

Surprising the things one can find in one’s backyard!

"Bubble Gum Bubble", my own name for this piece.

“Bubble Gum Bubble”, my own name for this piece.

I have lived across the highway from the Art Center West for almost 2 1/2 years.  I hike in the park behind the center.  I drive by it every day.  And yet, I never bothered to go in and see what they are all about.  Too bad for me.

While perusing our local neighborhood rag, I saw in the calendar that the Clay Collective would be holding its semi-annual exhibit and sale this past week.  Good for all of us that I had come up with NO blog idea for this week so grasping at straws I thought I would go to that.

I loved this piece. His eyes seemed to follow you around as if he was slyly watching everyone.

I loved this piece. His eyes seemed to follow you around as if he was slyly watching everyone.

Good thing I did.  I was stunned by the quality and diversity of the work.  Also by the number of people who came out for it.  I pulled into the lot and there were already a 100 cars there.  It was mobbed inside which made photographing the work a challenge.

Artist and Instructor Allie Elia with her Giraffe.

Artist and Instructor Allie Elia with her Giraffe.

You would hardly know it from this photo that I took but Allie is a beautiful young lady.  She was getting ready to pose for me when someone came up to her to speak with her about her work and then more people just kept coming so here you go.  Forgive me Allie.

I love pottery and ceramics.  Is there a difference between pottery and ceramics in the art world.  Not really, just hair-splitting from how the labels began so just let it go and enjoy the artistic merit of the pieces.

The work was just gorgeous and so reasonably priced.  They made everything you could possibly image.  It is impossible to put in all the photographs I took of the work in the blog.

Apprentice artist's vase.

Apprentice artist’s vase.

Art Center West, which is run by the Roswell Visual Arts division in conjunction with the Roswell Clay Collective, a volunteer group of artist, students and instructors, is an educational facility dedicated to the ceramics arts.

The work in the show is from any one who takes a class there.  So much talent it was surprising.  People have been going to this bi-annual event for years.  Anything you could be looking for would be found here.

Ceramic flowers

Ceramic flowers

Spoon rest for $8.00

Spoon rest for $8.00













Beautiful pots and bowls galore

Beautiful pots and bowls galore






The Duck and bear cups!

The Duck and bear cups!










Student Artist Gillian Lilley produced some wonderful pieces.  I got a chance to speak with her.  I had already photographed two of her bowls:



Gillian was born in South Africa and recently she returned as her father had died.  She visited places from her childhood that she had gone with him to.  Pebbles, was from a stream they use to go to and look down into the clear water flowing over the pebbles below.

More of Gillian's work

More of Gillian’s work


Gillian and her daughter's mother-in-law who made the introduction for me.

Gillian and her daughter’s mother-in-law who made the introduction for me.

Okay now it is time to do the Italian thing.  The FOOD was spectacular!  Platters of roasted meat and chicken wings, veggie platters, dessert tables and every thing else including plenty of wine all that any one could want.  I see a trend here,  at Art Openings in the South, they have more that wine and cheese!  A good time was had by all.  Sale and show runs until May 25th.  The next time we get to see new work will be at Christmas.

See you next Sunday.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
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