Work In Progress

“The Visible Becoming Invisible,” new installation

I have been working on a new installation since the second week in January.  I go to a construction every Friday and photograph it from the same vantage point.  I have always been fascinated by how much of heavy construction gets buried and is never seen by the public.  This project is about a road extension.  Sounds relatively simple but it’s not.  There are streams that fish travel in that have to culvert and piping systems so the streams can pass under the road and go into the ponds.  This system of piping and culverts, and box culverts allow the flow of the streams to continue and the box culvert provides “steps” for the fish to swim through to get to the pond.

"The Visible Becoming Invisible" copyright by J. Leone 2016.  No reproduction of any kind or downloading allowed.

“The Visible Becoming Invisible” copyright by J. Leone 2016. No reproduction of any kind or downloading allowed.

I just took three random weeks of the early photographs in the project and made a panorama out of them so that the entire span of the project could be seen.  When the project started this was a heavily wooded area.  February 19 was probably week six into the project so you can see how much progress has been made.  When the project is finished, everything that have built will become invisible and under ground.  The public will just drive over a road and have no idea what lies beneath it.

In the test strip above I was just trying to see how to work the scale on the panoramas and how I would line them up in the final installation.  Here I did them vertical but when I get to the final installation I think I will line them horizontally by weeks, so four across and then the months will go down.

Construction Company:  JG Leone Enterprises, Inc.  A big thanks to my brother and his sons for tolerating me running around their construction site once a week, while I photography the job.

See you next week.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Art, Art Exhibition, Art Opening, Art Show, construction, installation art, New Art Project, New Art Work, Photography, Roswell, time span project, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

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