Chihuly Part Deux

By popular demand more of the Dale Chihuly Installations:

So many people emailed me about the Chihuly Exhibit that I felt I had to do the second part this week so here are the rest of the installations:

Red Reeds by Dale Chihuly

Red Reeds by Dale Chihuly


I loved the Red Reeds because most people missed them!  You could only see them from one of the bridges and most people were looking straight ahead at the Saffron Tower (see post dated 10-16-16)  and the Red Reeds were set down below in the forest.

The Sapphire Star through the Arborway.

The Sapphire Star through the Arborway.

The Sapphire Star - Up close.

The Sapphire Star – Up close.

Zebra Reeds

Zebra Reeds

The Zebra Reeds were another shock.  I was wandering around the back trying to find my way to the orchid house when I stumbled up them.  They were so obscured by the foliage I almost went past them and then the light hit them.  I mean these were so off the beaten path and such a surprise.

Fire Amber Herons

Fire Amber Herons

It actually took me a moment to realize these were one the Chihuly’s installation.  They were set in the water outside one of the buildings and they just looked like water plants.

The Chihuly Interpretive Gallery

The Chihuly Interpretive Gallery

Okay I was not sure what was going on here and I didn’t particularly care for this one.  It was situated outside the Orchid house.  But in the words of the immortal Smokey Robinson, “Different strokes for different folks.”

Inside the Orchid House:

Black and Green Stripped Herons with Icicle Clusters

Black and Green Stripped Herons with Icicle Clusters

This pattern is so complex you have to really look closely to see what is foliage and what is glass.



Now the Orchid house was really interesting.  Just the volume of vegetation in there was kind of scary.  Then all of a sudden these misters come on and I am trying to cover my camera from all this misting water.  Then the misting stops and all of sudden Ikebana is in front of me.


I did not put the names on these because I could not sort out from the guide which was which and neither of the names sounded correct given the way he had named all the others.


Outside again.  The piece is the fountain is part of the Atlanta Botanical Garden and purchased from Dale Chihuly at an earlier date.

Part of the Permanent Collection at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Part of the Permanent Collection at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

See you next week.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Art, Art Exhibition, Art Museum, Art scene, Art Show, Atlanta, Atlanta Botanical Garden, creative process, creativity, Glass, Glass as an art form, installation art, New Art Project, New Art Work, Places to Visit, Uncategorized, United States. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Chihuly Part Deux

  1. says:

    The red ones at the start make me think of the Torii gates outside Kyoto, Japan, although structurally they are different.


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