Scotland Part Deux and the Flying Pigs make their Debut

The River Findhorn, Scotland:

If you look at the top left photo very carefully, on the bottom left you will see that at the point I took this photo, the river makes a hard U.  If you goggle a map of the River Findhorn, Scotland, move up to the Town of Forres and then down the river, and you will see where it makes this very tight U and that is the section of the river that I photographed.  You can click on each individual photograph above and it will open up for a large view.

This section of the Findhorn runs through private property but we were fortunate enough to be able to travel along it.  They have these wonderful fishing cabins along the river that people can rent and stay in along the river and fish.   If you click on the fisherman, you can see that he had a mean lash, the thin blue line is his fishing line as he was casting.  In the photo next to him is the deck of a fishing cabin and you can see the metal ladder that got him down into the river.

Look carefully to the right in this photo, that thin line is a piece of cording that is anchored into the rocks so that fishermen can hang on, I don’t know, for dear life, as they make their way around this rolling mass of rushing water.  This shot is about a 10th of a mile south of the gorge, which we did not make it up to this – THIS TIME.

The Baby Sheep

BabySheepAs promised the new baby sheep!  The ones in the front are about a week older than the little ones in the back which are about a day or two old.

The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects

Way back, when my studio was in New York City so 2013, I did a blog on the secret life of inanimate objects and how they move around.  There was intense discussion of shoes moving around which almost everyone had noticed along with other inanimate objects being in different places than they should have been.  I promised back then, that some day I would actually do a series on it.  And, that day is here.

Originally I had intended to make these 5 by 7 inch prints of these things with captions.  However, once I opened my Fabric Design Store on Zazzle it seemed like WAY MORE FUN to make pillows out of them.  As some of you out in blog land know, I have a well-defined sense of the absurd.   So here is the first in the series.  Weigh in on what you think.  Prints or Pillows?

You can click on the link below and go to My design Studio.

Have no idea what we are doing next week but will see you next Sunday.


About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Art, Art scene, art website, Fabric Design, Fashion, fashion designers, Findhorn River, Flying Pigs, Housewares, New Art Project, New Art Work, Outdoor Pillows, Photography, Pigs, Places to Visit, River Findhorn, Scotland, Travel, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

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