Jon Gardella, Sculpture Extraordinaire, Part Deux

Explanations and corrections:

Because of the time difference between the US and the Netherlands, I did not get Jon’s email until after I had posted the blog.  He sent me a lot of information, and last week’s blog on Jon had a tremendous amount of traffic and a lot of likes.  I also received a  lot of emails asking me questions.  So I am putting in what Jon had to say about his work and other items in last week blog.

I had to include two photos of the same item because when I converted the document from the pdf to a jpeg it dropped the color.  So Above is the flier with the text and below is the photo of the actual piece that showed in the flier in color.  Oh the mysteries of uploading anything.  Just go with it.

Foto: Joost Sizoo

Below Jon explained the flier which is most interesting.  From Jon:

“The flyer “Gardella in the light of Rodin”was about my open studio last year in relation to the large Rodin expo that was happening in the Groningen museum last year. People that came to the museum could also come to my studio. The reason for the titel “Gardella in the light of Rodin”was because my professors at the Rijksacademie were students of students of Rodin and therefore we students received knowledge handed down from the Rodin era. Thus the link.”

(So interesting that his professors were students of Rodin and so Jon as a student of those sculpture teachers has the knowledge passed down to him.)

“My generation in the Rijksacademie is known as “the groep of figurative-abstraction”.

“The other sculpture I’ve sent you is”Crazy Dancers”.

Crazy Dancers

Crazy Dancers is a beautiful piece.

Jon does not live in Amsterdam as I thought.  See what he had to say below:

“Where we live is not near Amsterdam but in the northern province of Groningen; about a 2 hour drive from Amsterdam. My ( beautiful) town Garnwerd, is 12 kilometers north of Groningen.”

Jon has promised that he will send me photos of his beautiful town so we can see where he lives.  How about some photos of his studio. I will see if I can impose upon him to send us photos in addition to his town of his studio also.   Wouldn’t that be interesting for us.  Okay blogosphere people, weigh in.

See you next week.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
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