Jon Gardella’s town in the Netherlands and his studio

Garnered, Netherlands

I had to find where Jon was located, no small feat.  So if you look at the map, up at the top you will see a blue line north of Groningen which is the major town near where Jon’s studio is.  Okay you all know how precise I am, I had to find his house on google earth.  Totally ridiculous but I did find it.  So I approximated it on the map.  It is indeed a very small town.

The town of Garnered, NL

We have Josie Gardella Gardiner to thank for the photos and myself for the clean up job on them.  For all of you who travel, your phone is a great way not to be burdened with a heavy weight camera as I carry.  The one thing that phone camera have problems with is variations in light.  But these can be fixed in photoshop.  In the camera raw settings there is a filter called dehaze, this will go a long way to correcting your photos.

Along the canal

Photo before correction

I just included this so you can all see that with a bit of tweaking in photoshop you can overcome the limitations of your cell phone.

I also point out that Josie did not identify anything in the photos she sent.  So I am just guessing at these and hopefully Jon will weigh in with another email and explain allot us.

I got a lot of email about how wonderful it was that Jon sent the email and explained about his training and the show.  So on to more photos of the town.


This appears to be a public pier for boats.

This looks like it could be a town center but just guessing on this.

The entrance to Jon’s Studio

This is the entrance to Jon’s studio and I am sure of this because Josie identified it.

Photo of Jon at one of his outdoor sculptures

Happily he still does horses.

Inside Jon’s studio.  Jon is in the left corner of this photo and you can see how big the scale is of his work.  I think this is more of a showing gallery than were he actually makes the sculptures.  My studio is a mess so I am hoping this is his public gallery.

I love this piece.  Make sure you enlarge it so you can see the detail in it.  It appears that Jon cast it in sections or he cast it as one piece and then cut it.  I hope he send information on this piece, it really is extraordinary.  The tall figure on the right of the central figure with the beak is in image you see in Venice at carnival time.  It is archetypical figure whose meaning escapes me a the moment.

Next week more of the pieces inside Jon’s studio.  It is clear to see the influence of Rodin on his work.

Notes on last week’s post on social justice

In the absolutely most bizarre turn of events, I posted the piece on social justice and that evening, I watched Mystery on PBS.  For those of you Mystery fans of the all time great inspector Morse, series, Endeavor is Morris’ life as a young detective.  The show takes place in the 60’s and there on the screen as the murder unfolds, is the photo of Tommie Smith with his fist raised on the front page of the Oxford paper to place the time.  I was so startled.  Jung would call this synchronicity and he did not believe in coincidence.  So what did it mean.  Don’t have a clue but it was startling!

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Amsterdam, Art, Art scene, creative process, creativity, Design, Garnwerd, Groningen, Jon Gardella, Netherlands, New Art Project, New Art Work, Photography, Rodin, School of Rodin, sculpture, Travel, Uncategorized, United States. Bookmark the permalink.

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