Jon Gardella’s new book

Hey all of you out there in the blogosphere, an early post.  I got a surprise from our favorite other artist Jon Gardella, and it was wonderful.  They are doing a new book on Jon’s work.  Below is the email Jon sent with the photo.

Dear Jeanne

Here is a lay-out of a new book about my sculpture called “Middag-Humsterland” which is in front of an archeological museum in the town of Ezinge here in the north. Ezinge was excavated by professer Van Giffen in the 30’s. Even Roman objects were found since they were there as well.
It will be presented on November 9’th along with the opening of an exhibit of large photos of the sculpture and of the area , with drawings etc..
 In my sculpture there are many mini- reliefs depicting the area Middag-Humsterland and it’s different places. Many objects seen in the museum I have also reproduced in the bronze.
The sculpture begins with the past, underneath, and goes up to the present and then to the future above, to the crown. The shape has been inspired by the area Middag-Humsterland that has been literally molded by the sea, tides and storms throughout time. The book is wonderfully written, it’s too bad it’s not in english. Maybe you could find a dutch person to translate it. On tape would be even better.
On my FaceBook there is A crowd- funding link with a short film and if you scroll down more info.
This is not the final lay-out. The final has a few more of my drawings in it  as a background effect.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Okay any takers on the translation?  Also I hope you all go to Jon’s Facebook page and the help out with funding.

Next week is the big show “Infinity Mirrors” my timed ticket is for Friday the 16th at 11:30 AM so not sure I will make the Sunday blog as I will have do the photos but as soon as I get them ready I will post and not wait for the next Sunday so pay attention.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Groningen, Jon Gardella, Netherlands, New Art Project, New Art Work, Rodin, School of Rodin, sculpture. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Jon Gardella’s new book

  1. SJ says:

    Met vriendelijke groet

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