Infinity Mirrors: Yayoi Kusama Rooms 6 and 7

Dots Obsession-Love Transformed into Dots 2007, installed 2018

After viewing room 5, the pumpkin room that I could not photograph because of some previous fool, you move down a corridor and then make a turn into room 6 which brings an instant smile.

This room was just hilarious and people did indeed love it.  As you can see, these balloons are huge and you walk among them.  Within this installation which is the entire room, there are two smaller rooms, one you can walk into one and one that you look through a small window.

Look into the far corner and you can see a balloon that has “landed” with the window in it.  The other room is on behind the large balloon on the right side of the screen.  Below are the photos inside the large room.

That’s me standing in the door and I am the only person there, even though it looks like there are at least three people.  I just loved this room.  In this room you can see clearly that Yayoi suspended the balloons from the ceiling.

Look carefully and you can see my reflection on the left side and then on the right side way in the back and yet, I am standing directly in front of the shot, right in front of the balloon that is dead center.

In the pink plastic balloon, you looked through a portal so this was a hard shot.  Make sure if you are viewing this on a lap top that your screen is straight up so you can see it, if the laptop screen is tipped backwards or forwards, the shot will be dark.  These balloons are mirrored themselves.  I think she might have used some kind of reflective mylar to make them.  You can see that some are hung from the ceiling but others appear to be set on the floor, but that is just a guess.

Room 7:  The Obliteration Room – 2002-present, installed 2018

As you are leaving the Pink Balloon room you are met by a volunteer and handed a sheet with 9 different sized and colored dots.  You are told that before you can leave room 7, you must use up all your dots and hand the empty sticker sheet to the guards on the other end at the exit.  And what is this about, see the photos below:

This room was so much fun!

The dotted palm!

Look at the amount of people who have gone through this room.  Some people added to other people’s designs and others made their own.  Liz and I worked together on the bowls placing our dots in tandem and then using large ones with smaller ones inside.

And so, we come to end of our tour through the Infinity Mirrors show at the High.  Remember you can scroll back through the previous posts to the first one and see the show now, all at once.
click the link above to go to first posting of the show and then you go through all the rooms as once.  The first post was November 17, 2018.

Have a happy holiday season and I will see you after the new year when I find something that either delights me enough or irritates me enough to pick up my pen again.

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Art, Art Exhibition, Art Museum, Art Opening, Art scene, Art Show, Atlanta, Avant Guard, creative process, creativity, Dots, Exhibition, High Museum, Infinity, Infinity Mirrors, installation art, New Art Project, New Art Work, Patterns, Perception, Photography, Places to Visit, sculpture, Symbolism, Textures, Uncategorized, United States, Visual Intelligence, Visual Perception, Yayoi Kusama. Bookmark the permalink.

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