Category Archives: Fabric Design

Design and Symbolism Well first let me apologize for being late, really late today.  My statistics tell me that people went to blog today and found nothing new.  But in my defense, we have had endless rain down here … Continue reading

Posted in Art, creative process, creativity, Design, Fabric Design, Housewares, New Art Project, Patterns, Perception, Photography, Symbolism, Texas National, Uncategorized, Visual Intelligence, Visual Perception | Leave a comment

Scotland Part Deux and the Flying Pigs make their Debut

The River Findhorn, Scotland: If you look at the top left photo very carefully, on the bottom left you will see that at the point I took this photo, the river makes a hard U.  If you goggle a map … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art scene, art website, Fabric Design, Fashion, fashion designers, Findhorn River, Flying Pigs, Housewares, New Art Project, New Art Work, Outdoor Pillows, Photography, Pigs, Places to Visit, River Findhorn, Scotland, Travel, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Gone to Scotland – Back from Scotland

Heavy Flames Rock Band Maharaja Blues DA PLANE: So on the plane on the way over, my seat mate was the fabulous Jonathan Browning!  He plays in two bands, Heave Flames which is a rock band and Maharaja Blues … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art scene, cows, creativity, Fabric Design, Fashion, fashion designers, installation art, Nature, New Art Project, Photography, Places to Visit, Scotland, sheep, Travel, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Dazzle, Razzle and Zazzle Despite all the disasters, I still worked everyday.  I spent a lot of time developing designs, from my photographs for fabric design.  Getting a design to repeat across yards and yards of fabric is NO EASY THING.  I now … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art scene, art website, creative process, creativity, Fabric Design, Fashion, fashion designers, New Art Project, New Art Work, Patterns, Photography, Project Runway, Roswell, Textures | 2 Comments


As we all know when I disappear for a long period of time this can only mean that disaster of a catastrophic nature have befallen me and that certainly can be said of 2017 and the first three months of … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Fabric Design, Fashion, fashion designers, New Art Project, Photograpy | 1 Comment

Project Runway

Project Runway is one of the most creative shows on tv.  If you have never seen it do yourself a favor and watch it just once and you will be hooked.  It is on Lifetime tv and you can watch … Continue reading

Posted in creative process, creativity, Fabric Design, Fashion, fashion designers, New Art Project, Project Runway, tv show, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Thinking About Change

Seismic Change in Britain this week: We all witnessed a seismic shift in the political spectrum this week and, it is hard to say whether this change was a reaction or a revolution.  Probably both.  As we have talked about … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Art, Art Exhibition, Art Opening, Art Show, Britain, Fabric Design, Fashion, Furniture Design, installation art, Marketing, New Art Work, Photography | 1 Comment


J. Leone Website: Yes, I actually was working on the fabric design, despite the fact that I have not had time to update my website with Fabric Design.   I am going to use this fabric that I designed … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Fabric Design, New Art Project, New Art Work, Photography, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Roswell Clay Collective

J. Leone website: Surprising the things one can find in one’s backyard! I have lived across the highway from the Art Center West for almost 2 1/2 years.  I hike in the park behind the center.  I drive by … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art Center West, Art Exhibition, Art Opening, Art Show, Ceramics, Clay, clay collective, Fabric Design, installation art, New Art Project, New Art Work, Photography, Pottery, Roswell, Roswell Clay Collective], Uncategorized | Leave a comment


J. Leone’s website: WORKING ON WHAT: A good question!  Sometimes as I haul myself around my studio, going from room to room, working on five different projects at once, I too ask that question! Project 1 – Those Clear … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art Exhibition, Art Opening, Art Show, Fabric Design, New Art Project, Photography, Sanding metal, Uncategorized | Leave a comment