Category Archives: Groningen

Jon Gardella’s new book

Hey all of you out there in the blogosphere, an early post.  I got a surprise from our favorite other artist Jon Gardella, and it was wonderful.  They are doing a new book on Jon’s work.  Below is the email … Continue reading

Posted in Groningen, Jon Gardella, Netherlands, New Art Project, New Art Work, Rodin, School of Rodin, sculpture | 2 Comments

Jon Gardella’s town in the Netherlands and his studio

Garnered, Netherlands I had to find where Jon was located, no small feat.  So if you look at the map, up at the top you will see a blue line north of Groningen which is the major town near where … Continue reading

Posted in Amsterdam, Art, Art scene, creative process, creativity, Design, Garnwerd, Groningen, Jon Gardella, Netherlands, New Art Project, New Art Work, Photography, Rodin, School of Rodin, sculpture, Travel, Uncategorized, United States | Leave a comment