The Texas National Catalogue came out and I am furious

Last week’s poll:

By a landslide the vote was to make the flag work out so that the University would make a sale.  The comments that people sent to me or posted were helpful.  At the forefront was the objective, to raise money for the students.   Of course this opens the door to whether we should all be taking individual and group action to help out those in our community or sit back and let the “government” do it.

What is the criteria for doing a catalogue:

This is the link to the 2016 Texas National Catalogue  txn-catalogue-2016 .  Simply click on the link and the PDF of the catalogue will open in a separate window.  Depending on the rate of speed of your internet connection it might take a couple of seconds or so.

Here you can see the 98 pieces that made the show and what Abe Morell picked for the winners.

I am furious at what they did with the catalogue.  You can all weigh in on this one too.  Each artist deserves to have his/hers work stand alone.  For what reason I cannot fathom who ever designed the catalogue thought they had the right to stack some of art one on top of each other, in some what, alleged creative design?  Others had their work treated respective fully.  My piece was large, the way they melded it into the other two pieces diminished it and the work they connected it to, which in NO WAY was beneficial to any of the three pieces put into this format.  Further, instead of making the pieces work together, they simply did alphabetically.  I am sorry but I feel this is just WRONG WRONG WRONG.

Meantime last year’s catalogue was a beautiful, respectfully done catalogue of the work, which let the viewer see the work in its own space.  Okay weight in but it would be hard for you to really get a feel for some of the work the way they did this. 

About J. Leone

I am a working artist. The medium I work in is photography. When we had real news in this country I used to do news and photography. In 1983 the news divisions were put under entertainment and they started to censor our work. I left that profession that year.
This entry was posted in Art, Art Exhibition, Art Opening, Art Show, Cole Center for the Arts, installation art, Juried Art Exhibition, New Art Project, New Art Work, Photography, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas National, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to The Texas National Catalogue came out and I am furious

  1. Hi,
    Any response from TxNt to your critique? If I recall correctly, I piled on a little too.

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